Useful information for travelers
Quang Nam is an easy destination for all types of travelers, however a little preparation goes a long way toward making your trip even better. Prepare for your visit with these practical tips, and enjoy a smooth arrival in Quang Nam.
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Frequently asked questions
Need some help with your trip planning? Here are answers to some common questions about visiting Quang Nam.
The dry season from March to September is when you’ll have sunny days and blue skies. March usually has great weather with ideal temperatures from 25° to 27° C. The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a wonderful time to experience local culture in Hoi An.
Tickets are 120,000 VND (6 USD). Each ticket includes access to five of 22 historic attractions and museums in the Ancient Town.
Vietnam no longer requires travelers to present any Covid-19 tests or vaccination certificates. To visit as a tourist, you only need to purchase health insurance with a minimum coverage of 10,000 USD for Covid-19 treatment. See more about Vietnam entry requirements in this article.
Da Nang International Airport is approximately 27 kilometers or a 45-minute drive from Hoi An. See more about transport in Quang Nam in this article.