Health and Safety
Vietnam is generally a very safe place to visit, and if you get into any trouble, usually the locals will be eager to help. However, it’s good to be aware of the most common risks in any destination, so you can be fully prepared if anything goes wrong. Here’s an overview of health and safety in Hoi An and Quang Nam.
Before you go
Check-ups and insurance
It’s a good idea to do a medical check up at least two months before traveling abroad. Although Vietnam does not require any specific vaccination certificates in order to visit, your doctor can tell you if there are any recommended vaccinations you should have.
Before leaving, be sure to purchase adequate health insurance to cover the duration of your trip.
See more: Covid-19 entry requirements for travelers to Vietnam
If you need to take any medication, be sure to bring enough with you to last your entire trip. Although pharmacies are easy to find, some medicines can be difficult to purchase in rural areas of Quang Nam. Carry your prescription with you in case you need to stock up again.
TIP: A basic kit with bandages, painkillers, anti-malarial tablets, ointment for insect bites, and after-sun soothing creams will come in handy.

During your trip
Mosquitoes and the diseases they carry can present a risk to travelers, especially in forested and remote areas and near bodies of water. Bring or buy a trusted mosquito repellant, and apply it liberally if you are outdoors at dawn or dusk.
If you develop flu-like symptoms or a high fever, you should seek medical care at a hospital or clinic. See a list of clinics and hospitals in and around Quang Nam below.
Sunburn and dehydration
Sunburn and sunstroke are two of the most common health conditions you should take care to avoid when in Quang Nam. Apply sunscreen throughout the day as needed, wear hats when you are in the sun, and bring your refillable water bottle with you at all times.
Heat and sunshine in the tropics can be much stronger than other places. It’s wise to only stay in the sun for short periods at a time, and retreat to the shade often to cool down.
Food poisoning
Although the food in Quang Nam is usually fresh and healthy, you can take precautions in your food adventures by following these guidelines:
- Only try street food from eateries that are clean and have lots of local customers
- Only drink filtered and bottled water, never tap water
- Only eat seafood at reputable restaurants where it’s prepared fresh
- Only eat fully cooked meat, seafood and eggs
- Stay away from ice at small eateries, sip boiled green tea (trà đá or trà nóng) instead
If you suspect you have mild symptoms of food poisoning, you should stay hydrated and rest well. Sipping broth, mint, or ginger tea may help soothe your stomach. If you have a high fever or severe symptoms of food poisoning, see a doctor right away.
TIP: Although there are clinics and hospitals in Quang Nam, most travelers feel more comfortable using the English-speaking medical services nearby in Da Nang City.
If you need to reach a hospital urgently, it can be quicker to order a taxi from Mai Linh rather than waiting for an ambulance. The English-speaking dispatcher at Mai Linh Taxi company can be reached at +84 (0) 235 3929 929.

Road Safety
Back-of-the-bike motorcycle tours are the safest and most insightful way to enjoy Vietnam’s two-wheeled street culture. If you choose to drive a motorcycle or scooter on your own, you will need an international drivers’ license for any engine above 50 cc. Always wear your helmet on the road, and stay clear of buses, and alert for traffic that may pop out from small alleys.
TIP: Cycling is a fantastic way to see Quang Nam. Make sure your bicycle has a working bell, brakes, light and reflectors for after dark.
Safety for women and solo travelers
While Vietnam is a very safe destination, common sense should still be applied especially if you are traveling alone. Rural streets can be very quiet and dark after 10pm, so you may like to get back to your hotel early in the evening, ask a friend to drop you back at your hotel if it’s late, or bring a flashlight if you need to walk down quiet countryside lanes after dark.
Remember that reputable taxi services and registered Grab rides are a safer choice for solo travelers than motorcycle or car drivers who pick up passengers on the road.
Money and scams
In general, seeking recommendations from your hosts or hotel is the best way to avoid getting scammed on tours and purchases. If you are joining impromptu activities, try to clarify the total amount in Việt Nam Đồng for all participants before you begin. Store your valuable belongings – laptops, cameras, jewelry, cards and cash – in your hotel safe whenever you leave the room.
If you need to report a crime in Hoi An, you can do so at the police station at 8 Hoang Dieu in Cam Chau.
Hoi An
Long Chau Pharmacy – 7am to 10pm daily
509 Cửa Đại, P. Phong Sơn, Hội An
105 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, P. Cẩm Phô
Dapharco BLU – 7:30am to 9:30pm daily
684 Đ. Hai Bà Trưng, Phường Minh An, Hội An
Tam Ky
Long Chau Pharmacy – 7am to 10pm daily
13-15 Nguyễn Du, P, Tam Kỳ
Pharmacity – 6am to 11:30pm daily
356 Phan Châu Trinh, Phường Phước Hòa
Clinics and hospitals
Hoi An
Dr. Cuong General Clinic
114 Trần Cao Vân, Phường Minh An, Hội An
Phone: +84 (0) 91 474 74 14
Pacific Hospital
6 Phan Đình Phùng, Phường Minh An
Phone: +84 (0) 235 3921 656
Da Nang
Family Medical Practice Đà Nẵng
96 – 98 Nguyễn Văn Linh, Nam Dương, Hải Châu
Phone: +84 (0) 236 3582 699
VinMec Đà Nẵng International Hospital
Corner of Nguyễn Hữu Thọ and 30/4 Street, Hải Châu
Phone: +84 (0) 236 3771 111